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Health and Productivity Management

View Sumitomo Corporation's Sustainability : Health and Productivity Management

Basic Policy

Sumitomo Corporation has adopted the “Declaration of Iki-iki Waku-waku Health and Productivity Management” for the Sumitomo Corporation Group, based on the concept that a healthy mind and body are essential for each employee to maximize their performance and are the foundation for the continuous creation of new value. In line with the “Declaration of Iki-iki Waku-waku Health and Productivity Management,” the Sumitomo Corporation Group will engage in various initiatives according to current conditions at each group company.

Declaration of Iki-iki Waku-waku Health and Productivity Management

The Sumitomo Corporation Group aims to be a company in which all employees work with energy (Iki-iki), excitement (Waku-waku), and in good health, taking on challenges to create new value.

Our Group’s Corporate Mission is: “To achieve prosperity and realize dreams through sound business activities.” In order to fulfill this mission, it is necessary for all employees to perform at their highest level and to continue to create new value. To this end, it is crucial that each employee maintain good health.

As a human resources strategy, the Sumitomo Corporation Group will engage in “health and productivity management” that allows employees to work with energy, excitement, and good health, and creates value by further enhancing existing measures for maintaining and promoting employee health.

We will consider, implement, verify, and improve viable measures by establishing a foundation for health promotion that can be shared throughout the Sumitomo Corporation Group in accordance with the current circumstances at each group company.

The Sumitomo Corporation Group believes that its most important management resource is the health of its employees, who work in challenging global business environments characterized by complexity and rapid change, and declares its intention to strategically implement measures to maintain and promote the health of its employees in mind and body.

In addition, Sumitomo Corporation has set three main pillars for health and productivity management: “Improvement of health literacy,” which will enable employees to continue to work energetically, “Reassurance in emergencies,” which provides reassurance that employees will be taken care of when they fall ill, and “Global medical support,” which is unique to trading companies. With these three pillars, Sumitomo Corporation will further promote health and productivity management in accordance with the aforementioned Declaration.

Declaration of Iki-iki Waku-waku Health and Productivity Management

We have been certified by METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) as a “White 500” enterprise with outstanding health and productivity management for eight consecutive years from 2017 to 2024.

White 500
DFF Inc.


Health Management Promotion Structure

Health management is carried out through the following structure to maintain and enhance the health of employees under the direction of the Assistant CAO (Executive Officer) who serves as the Safety and Health Manager.

Health Management Promotion Structure

Employee Engagement: Health and Safety Committee

Sumitomo Corporation holds a monthly health and safety committee meeting, which is attended by labor union officials on behalf of employees, to receive reports on worksite patrols by an industrial physician and discuss health promotion for employees and better work environments. A roundtable conference on work styles is also held twice a year by management and the labor union, where participants exchange opinions with a view to improving work styles qualitatively and quantitatively in terms of appropriate working hours for union members.

DFF Inc.

Supporting employees’ health

Sumitomo Corporation has established an in-house clinic (internal medicine and dentistry) to support employees’ health management.
The internal medicine department provides general medical care by specialized doctors in infectious diseases, respiratory diseases, and psychiatry, as well as preventive measures for lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Before employees are stationed abroad for overseas assignments, we conduct additional tests in addition to the usual examination items and provide assistance for vaccination according to the medical situation at the destination. We also support appropriate medical care during overseas assignments. At the dentistry department, they conduct regular dental health checkups and individual dental oral hygiene guidance. HR Solutions Department conducts regular health awareness surveys targeting all employees working domestically and abroad, grasping health issues of employees as well as implementing various initiatives for prevention and resolution. The presenteeism rate in the 2023 health awareness survey was 12.5%*.

Below are some examples of health management measures which were implemented:

  • Seminars on various health issues (alcohol consumption habits, sleep, mental instability, infertility treatment, women’s specific health issues, etc.)
  • Regular health information dissemination by medical staff at the in-house clinic
  • Internal FemTech exhibitions where products can be viewed in person
  • Smoking cessation support programs
  • Complied by SPQ(Single-Item Presenteeism Question). Aggregating the survey “Rate your work performance over the past four weeks based on 100% of your work performance when you were not sick or injured (health problems)” and subtracted from 100%
DFF Inc.

Health checkups

The in-house clinic provides employees with a regular health checkup service. New employees as well as employees to be transferred overseas and those who have returned to Japan can also undertake health checkups at the clinic. Employees aged 35 and older are encouraged to take a comprehensive medical examination at an external medical institution, for which they can receive financial support from the Health Insurance Society. The percentage of employees who undertook a regular health checkup (including a comprehensive medical examination at an external medical institution) was 100%. Based on the results of the regular health checkups, we also offer careful follow-up services such as treatment at the in-house clinic and health guidance for younger employees who are not included in the specific health guidance (participation rate: around 40%). In addition, the Health Insurance Society endeavors to give the specific health guidance to employees to help them with the prevention and early detection of any diseases.

DFF Inc.

Mental healthcare measures

We provide training on mental health several times a year, including self-care education and training for managers. Through these comprehensive programs implemented by inviting external instructors, trainees learn key points about their own mental health and that of those around them. Many employees (including those from Group companies), mainly young employees and managers, take this training each year. We have also set up the “SCG Counseling Center” “for everything, with confidentiality totally protected,” which is used by a total of over 1,500 employees annually. In addition, we conduct stress checkups, which are extended to employees working overseas as well. The in-house clinic offers counseling services for both physical and mental health, which are also available to expatriate employees. To prevent the progression of mental illness and help employees return to work, the in-house clinic also has a specialist in psychosomatic medicine. In the FY2023 stress checkup, the percentage of those experiencing high levels of stress was around 5.9% (2019 national average: 14%).

Supporting the health of employees working outside Japan

Sumitomo Corporation has more than 900 employees and their family members stationed in 68 countries and regions (as of April 2024). We provide these expatriates working in different environments from Japan with healthcare services to maintain their health, such as support for annual health checkup. Counseling services provided by our in-house clinic and the “SCG Counseling Center” are also available for those with mental and physical disorders.

Measures Against Global Health Issues

Currently, many countries around the world are struggling with serious health issues, such as HIV (AIDS), tuberculosis and malaria, and COVID-19. The Sumitomo Corporation Group is determined to take active measures against these global health issues.
To ensure that officers and employees of our Group have accurate information about these infectious diseases and take preventive measures, the Company provides health checkups in advance for officers and employees who are assigned overseas and when necessary, encourage them to be vaccinated. We also provide a variety of training prior to their deployment. Moreover, we started e-learning and seminars on safety measures in response to requests by employees preparing for their first overseas business trip and for those looking for the latest information on infectious diseases. These programs aim to enhance awareness of crisis management and disseminate accurate and up-to-date information. We make these programs available to all the Group officers and employees within and outside Japan. Through these activities, we support employees’ health and safety while they are overseas.

Anti-smoking measures

Following the relocation of the head office in September 2018, we completely banned smoking on the office floors of the head office building. We give financial support for employees wanting to stop smoking to buy gum sold for the purpose and have been implementing programs to help them attain the goal.

SCG Counseling Center

Sumitomo Corporation has the SCG Counseling Center within the head office to help Sumitomo Corporation Group employees work energetically. It is staffed with multiple counselors, who work to mitigate employees’ concerns and help them solve problems. It was opened in April 2005 as a center where employees could consult about any issue and all the details would be treated in strict confidence. Being widely recognized as such, the center has been used with ease of mind by a range of employees. (The center received more than 2,600 requests for counseling per annum.)

SCG Counseling Center
Provider Service Target Function
SCG Counseling Center Counseling in person Mainly for employees in Tokyo Qualified counselors provide counseling to employees in Japan and overseas. Qualifications of the counselors include certified public psychologists, senior industrial counselors, clinical psychotherapists, career consultants, and family consultants.
Counseling by phone and on line All employees
Counseling by visiting the employee's site Employees outside of Tokyo
Various seminars All employees Implementing seminars for managers, general employees, employees overseas, and employees' families
Consultation Management Consultation for managers regarding how to respond to their subordinates
External contracting company Counseling in person, by phone, and on line All employees Contracting external companies to provide counseling in person and by phone

SCG Massage Room “Koriton”

The “Koriton” massage room was opened within the head office in April 2008, with a view to helping Sumitomo Corporation Group employees promote their health and recover from fatigue. This service is highly evaluated by users, because it helps them improve their health condition in their spare time and subsequently increase their work efficiency. Approximately 280 employees use this massage service every month. We are currently implementing infection prevention measures.

SCG Massage Room “Koriton”


Sumitomo Corporation has an in-house clinic (internal medicine and dentistry) to support employees’ health management on a day-to-day basis.

Subsidies for Costs of Health Checkups and Complete Physical Examination

The in-house clinic provides services such as periodic health checkups (for those under 35), a health checkup immediately after joining the company, and health checkups before and after overseas transfer. Employees aged 35 and older are required to undergo a complete physical examination at an external medical facility. Its cost can be covered by the Corporate Health Insurance Society.

Reimbursement of Influenza Vaccination Expenses

As a part of efforts to prevent infectious disease, influenza vaccinations are offered in the Head Office building, and the Corporate Health Insurance Society reimburses insured employees and their dependents when they receive such vaccinations at outside clinics.

Health Results Indicators

Indication Target FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Percentage of Employees Undergoing Health Checkups 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Stress check Implementation rate 90% 88.5% 89.9% 90.6% 88.7% 89.3%
Smoking rate 10% 18.0% 13.7% 13.3% 14.2%
Rate of female employees under 35 years old who undergo gynecological exams 15% 4.6% 2.9% 19.1% 20.7%

Conduct of Employee Health Awareness Survey

A health awareness survey has been conducted annually since 2019 to measure the effects of health management measures and presenteeism*, as well as to discover health issues specific to the company.

  • A condition where an employee reports to work but experiences a decline in work performance that derives from physical or psychological problems.

Health Guidance for Younger Employees Expanded

Health guidance is provided by a health nurse from the in-house clinic to younger officers and employees who have shown deterioration of health data or physical changes since joining the Company or in conjunction with changes in their living environments. From FY2022, we implemented an “Under 40s health support program” in collaboration with the corporate health insurance society.

Expansion of Health Management Seminars

[List] Previous Seminars

Name Format
December 2021 Sleep is the Best Weapon of Selfcare Online
February 2022 About the Ovum Online
July 2022 Eating Habits Improvement Seminar In person and online
October 2022 Femtech Exhibition In-house Exhibition
December 2022 How to Deal with Mental Health Problems and “Life Rhythm Theory” Online
March 2023 The Connection between “Periodontal Disease” and Systemic Disease Online
March 2023 Mental disorders in Youth and Middle Age ~To survive in society~ Online
August 2023 Smart Drinking Habits for Enjoying Alcohol in Later Life In person and online
October 2023 Coping Strategies for Men and Women During Menopause Online
December 2023 The Era of Visible Sleep: Improving Sleep Through Visualization Online
March 2024 Understanding the Mind and Mental Health Video Streaming with Live Q&A
March 2024 Femtech Day In-house Exhibition

Online seminars and video streaming can be viewed by group company employees and family members, thereby helping improve health literacy widely.

Expanded Measures Supporting Women’s Health

To improve the rate of young female employees undergoing gynecological exams, we have partnered with medical facilities, and raised the subsidy from the corporate health insurance for the exams. We are also increasing activities such as holding seminars and sharing information to raise awareness of health issues that are specific to women.

Advanced Healthcare Expense Coverage Program Introduced

We introduced an advanced healthcare expense coverage program for employees to cover substantial financial burden for treatment of medical conditions not covered by insurance.