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Corporate Governance

View Sumitomo Corporation's Sustainability : Corporate Governance


Corporate Governance Principles

Sumitomo’s Business Philosophy and the Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Management Principles form the backbone of the corporate ethics and represent the foundation underpinning our corporate governance. Based on this, we established the Sumitomo Corporation Corporate Governance Principles, recognizing that the essence of corporate governance is enhancing management efficiency and maintaining sound management, as well as ensuring management transparency to secure the first two. Efforts to build a better corporate governance system and carry out business activities following these principles help the Company achieve sustainable growth, enhance corporate value over the medium to long term, and fulfill its mission as a good corporate citizen, as well as benefits the interests of shareholders and all other stakeholders. For this reason, we continuously work to further enhance and improve our corporate governance.

Sumitomo Corporation Corporate Governance Principles


System and features of corporate governance

The Company believes that it is the most appropriate system for the Company by securing the effective supervisory and monitoring function of management oversight by electing independent Outside Directors and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members and by establishing the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee, comprised mainly of independent Outside Directors, under an audit & supervisory board member system. The Company has elected multiple independent Outside Directors (as of June 21, 2024, the number of independent Outside Directors is five.) with a wealth of experience and a high degree of specialized knowledge and expertise in different fields. This ensures appropriate decision-making in board meetings and further reinforces the oversight function through further diverse perspectives. Also, the Company has established the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee (chaired by an Outside Director) as an advisory body of the Board of Directors in which the majority of members are Outside Directors. This enhances independence, objectivity and transparency of the Board of Directors’ function with respect to nomination and remuneration of Executive Officers. To strengthen the oversight framework from an external perspective, three of five Audit & Supervisory Board Members are the independent Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members, one has an experience in business management, one is a legal expert, and the other is a certified public accountant with considerable knowledge of finance and accounting, thereby ensuring an auditing system that incorporates a diversity of perspectives. Furthermore, in addition to attending the Board of Directors Meeting, Audit & Supervisory Board Members are permitted to attend all internal meetings, enabling them to obtain sufficient information essential for auditing. By implementing the measures above, the Company believes that it has developed an effective, enhanced corporate governance system.

Our Material Issues which were updated in 2024, include “Maintain and strengthen governance.” To strengthen the functions of the Board of Directors, the Company will strive to further improve the functions of the Board of Directors in monitoring the execution of operations through the effective supervision of key management policies and strategies (allocation of management resources, strategies related to business portfolio, sustainability management, etc.) and enhancing organizations for further strengthening the objectivity of the Board of Directors.

The Company's Corporate Governance System

Corporate Governance Report

Framework for "Improving Management Efficiency" and "Maintaining Sound Management"

Directors and the Board of Directors

Election of Outside Director

To facilitate thorough debate and prompt, rational decision-making, the Board of Directors is composed of an appropriate number of members and diversity is ensured in terms of attributes including experience, knowledge, expertise, and gender. In addition, of the eleven Directors elected, five are Outside Directors with a wealth of experience and a high degree of specialized knowledge and expertise in different fields. This ensures appropriate decision-making in board meetings and further reinforces the oversight function through diverse perspectives. All Outside Directors meet the standards related to independence set by the financial instruments exchange that the Company is listed on, and the Standards for Independence set by Sumitomo Corporation.

Name Reasons for proposing and summary of expected roles
Akiko Ide
since June 2020
<Attendance at Meetings of the Board of Directors in fiscal 2023 >
17 of 17 meetings (100%)
Ms. Ide served in several key positions for many years at a major telecommunications carrier, working as a group company executive and as a full time audit & supervisory board member of the parent (holding) company. Through these and other roles, she has accumulated wide-ranging knowledge and a wealth of experience in information and communications, business management, and corporate governance, etc.; she is also honest in character, as well as highly insightful and capable. She will contribute to the Company’s aims of ensuring appropriate decision-making from diverse perspectives in board meetings and further enhancing supervisory functions, and is thus judged to be qualified for the role of Outside Director of the Company and to be able to perform her duties properly in that position. For these reasons, she is appointed as the position of Outside Director. She is expected to draw on her experience and knowledge to fulfill the role of ensuring appropriate decision-making by the Board of Directors and further enhancing management supervisory functions. In addition, as Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee, she is also expected to contribute to further enhancing the independence, objectivity and transparency of the nomination and remuneration process for Director, Audit & Supervisory Board Member and executive management.
Takashi Mitachi
since June 2022
< Attendance at Meetings of the Board of Directors in fiscal 2023 >
17 of 17 meetings (100%)
Mr. Mitachi served in several key positions for many years at a major US consulting firm. Through these and other roles, he has accumulated wide-ranging knowledge and a wealth of experience in business management and enterprise risk management, etc.; he is also honest in character, as well as highly insightful and capable. He will contribute to the Company’s aims of ensuring appropriate decision-making from diverse perspectives in board meetings and further enhancing supervisory functions, and is thus judged to be qualified for the role of Outside Director of the Company and to be able to perform his duties properly in that position. For these reasons, he is appointed as the position of Outside Director. He is expected to draw on his experience and knowledge to fulfill the role of ensuring appropriate decision-making by the Board of Directors and further enhancing management supervisory functions. In addition, as Chair of the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee, he is also expected to contribute to further enhancing the independence, objectivity and transparency of the nomination and remuneration process for Director, Audit & Supervisory Board Member and executive management.
Takahisa Takahara
since June 2023
< Attendance at Meetings of the Board of Directors in fiscal 2023 >
14 of 14 meetings (100%)
(Since appointed Director on June 23, 2023)
Mr. Takahara has held several key positions for many years at a major consumer goods manufacturer, serving as Director, Senior Director, and President & CEO. Through these and other roles, he has accumulated wide-ranging knowledge and a wealth of experience in business management; he is also honest in character, as well as highly insightful and capable. He will contribute to the Company’s aims of ensuring appropriate decision-making from diverse perspectives in board meetings and further enhancing supervisory functions, and is thus judged to be qualified for the role of Outside Director of the Company and to be able to perform his duties properly in that position. For these reasons, he is appointed as the position of Outside Director. He is expected to draw on his experience and knowledge to fulfill the role of ensuring appropriate decision-making by the Board of Directors and further enhancing management supervisory functions. In addition, as Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee, he is also expected to contribute to further enhancing the independence, objectivity and transparency of the nomination and remuneration process for Director, Audit & Supervisory Board Member and executive management.
Haruyasu Asakura
since June 2024
Mr. Asakura has held several key positions for many years at private equity fund investment companies and served in executive and outside director positions for multiple companies. Through these and other roles, he has accumulated wide-ranging knowledge and a wealth of experience in M&A and business management, etc.; he is also honest in character, as well as highly insightful and capable. He will contribute to the Company’s aims of ensuring appropriate decision-making from diverse perspectives in board meetings and further enhancing supervisory functions, and is thus judged to be qualified for the role of Outside Director of the Company and to be able to perform his duties properly in that position. For these reasons, he is appointed as the position of Outside Director. He is expected to draw on his experience and knowledge to fulfill the role of ensuring appropriate decision-making by the Board of Directors and further enhancing management supervisory functions.
Nana Otsuki
since June 2024
Ms. Otsuki has held several key positions for many years at companies including leading securities firms and has served as a university professor and in outside director positions for listed companies. Through these and other roles, she has accumulated wide-ranging knowledge and a wealth of experience in market analysis and corporate governance, etc.; she is also honest in character, as well as highly insightful and capable. She will contribute to the Company’s aims of ensuring appropriate decision-making from diverse perspectives in board meetings and further enhancing supervisory functions, and is thus judged to be qualified for the role of Outside Director of the Company and to be able to perform her duties properly in that position. For these reasons, she is appointed as the position of Outside Director. She is expected to draw on her experience and knowledge to fulfill the role of ensuring appropriate decision-making by the Board of Directors and further enhancing management supervisory functions.

Standards for Appointment and Independence of Outside Directors and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Improvement of Deliberation and Enhancement of Monitoring Function at the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors enhances its deliberations and strengthen its monitoring functions by the following initiatives:

  • Agenda items for the Board of Directors are carefully selected by the Board of Directors to promote more focused discussion of management policies and plans and other important matters for companywide management. Members of the Board of Directors also select items that should be taken up for more intensive discussion at the Board of Directors meetings each year (agenda setting).
  • The Board of Directors receives reports from each business group on the state of progress on its strategies, any associated issues and its response to those issues, and carries out a discussion focusing on such issues. The Board of Directors also periodically monitors the state of business execution companywide by receiving reports on the activities of the main corporate committees.
  • The Board of Directors holds off-site meetings in addition to regular meetings, for free and open discussions on important management topics, including management policies and plans and ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) issues. Moreover, to ensure that Outside Directors and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members actively contribute to the discussions at the Board of Directors, a monthly meeting is held, which is comprised of Outside Directors and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members, in which they engage in robust discussion.
  • Prior to every meeting of the Board of Directors, Outside Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members are briefed on the agenda items due for discussion.

Separation of Duties between the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the President and Chief Executive Officer, and Limits on Their Terms of Office

In principle, the positions of Chairman of the Board of Directors and the President and Chief Executive Officer are clearly defined and separate in order to ensure mutual supervision, and both positions cannot be held simultaneously by the one person. The role of the Chairman of the Board of Directors is to supervise the management of the Company; the Chairman has no involvement in day-to-day execution of operations and no authority to represent the Company.

In principle, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the President and Chief Executive Officer are each limited to term of six years. This limitation on the tenure of top management helps eliminate the possibility of governance problems occurring as a result of the top management not being changed over for a long period of time.

Evaluation of the Board of Directors

To maintain and enhance the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, each year Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members engage in analysis and evaluation of the Board’s effectiveness through evaluation and several discussions. This is followed by the disclosure of overviews of the results. The effectiveness evaluation for fiscal 2023 and the overview of the results is as follows.

  1. Evaluation method
    1. Target: All members of the Board of Directors (11) and all Audit & Supervisory Board members (5)
    2. Implementation method:
      In November 2023, we implemented a questionnaire survey (*). Based on the results, Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members held several discussions to evaluate and analyze the results, and to identify issues and the initiatives on how we should improve them.
      • The questionnaire survey primarily consists of a free-writing format regarding topics that Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members view as issues. In addition, given the current candid exchange of opinions by the Board of Directors to grasp the background of respondents’ issue awareness and opinions to deepen discussions, from fiscal 2022 respondents are asked to fill in their names.
    3. Evaluations items:
      (i) Functions and roles of the Board of Directors
      (ii) Composition of the Board of Directors
      (iii) Agenda items (iv) Quality and content of discussions
      (v) Provision of support and information
      (vi) Advisory body to the Board of Directors
      (vii) Fulfillment of roles of the Board chair
      (viii) Fulfillment of roles of internal Directors
      (ix) Fulfillment of roles of Outside Directors
      (x) Self-evaluation
      (xi) Expectations in Audit & Supervisory Board members
      (xii) Comprehensive evaluation
    4. Third-party Assistance:
      We received advice and assistance from a third party (external consultant) mainly to determine the questions used in this questionnaire.
  2. Evaluation results overview
    All Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members held discussions based on the results of the questionnaire, and evaluated that the Board of Directors is functioning effectively overall, with the level of operations and performance of functions improving year by year through constant efforts. The main opinions are as follows:
    • Functions and roles that should be fulfilled by the Board of Directors
      [Evaluation results] In general, evaluated that the current format with both monitoring and management functions is effectively functioning.
      [Issues/initiatives going forward] Opinions were exchanged on each member’s recognition of the roles of the Company’s Board of Directors, as well as the anticipated roles of Outside Directors and internal Directors that also concurrently execute duties. As a result of the discussion, the members decided to reconfirm the functions and roles of the Board of Directors, which is the foundation of the Board of Directors by way of documentation etc. We plan to further strengthen supervisory functions.
    • Composition of the Board of Directors
      [Evaluation results] At present, we evaluated that there are no major issues with the current system.
      [Issues/initiatives going forward] With respect to direction going forward, there were various opinions regarding the diversity and skills of Outside Directors, the composition of Outside/internal Directors, and institutional design. An ongoing discussion is being carried out on the composition and structure of the Board of Directors, and based on a review of the structure of Management Council and organization in April 2024, we have decided to continue considering the future ideal structure of the Board of Directors.
    • Setting the agenda for the Board of Directors
      [Evaluation results] In general it was evaluated that we systematically discussed the agenda, and the agenda is being properly set up.
      [Issues/initiatives going forward] A proposal was discussed to narrow down the agenda items appropriate for discussion by the Board of Directors (expanding the scope of delegation for the execution of duties). With respect to the agenda setting for in and after fiscal 2024, there were opinions, on which discussions should be focused and concentrated: (1) Focus should be shifted to companywide strategies as opposed to individual business strategies; and (2) Taking into account the situation the Company is in and the opinions of investors, the focus of discussion should be narrowed down to issues that should be undertaken, in particular, in the three-year, medium-term management plan, starting from fiscal 2024 (Examples: companywide growth strategy, reshuffling the business portfolio, human resources training/education, etc.). In fiscal 2024, we decided to set agendas that allow more effective discussions while taking into account these opinions.
    • Issues taken up in the results of the effectiveness evaluation conducted in fiscal 2022 as opposed to the results of initiatives implemented in fiscal 2023
      ・With regard to the issue of taking more time to deepen discussion on medium-and-long-term corporate strategies, the Board of Directors held a total of four (4) discussions at off-site meetings to discuss the formulation of the next medium-term management plan from the initial stage.
      ・To strengthen the Board of Directors’ supervisory function, we revised discussion criteria, including addressing discussions to the Board earlier regarding the implementation of investment or divestment and financing projects to the point where the Company embarks on full-fledged consideration of a project, as opposed to the point prior to the conventional implementation of a transaction depending on the project.
      ・With respect to the enhancement of support and information provision to the Board of Directors, a dedicated organization, which was newly set up in fiscal 2023 to support communications between the Board of Directors and individuals executing duties, has started functioning. The evaluation assessed that improvements have been made to the establishment of discussion points and to brushing up discussion materials.

In this effectiveness evaluation, we are undertaking further improvement to the effectiveness of the Board of Directors by taking into consideration the opinions raised by and issues recognized by the Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

Establishment of the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee

The Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee, of which a majority of members are Outside Directors, and which is also chaired by an Outside Director, has been established as an advisory body to the Board of Directors. The Committee meets as necessary, and is in charge of deliberating the matters on (1) policies and procedures regarding appointment and dismissal of the President and Chief Executive Officer, (2) policies and procedures regarding appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, (3) nomination criteria for Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members, (4) appointment and dismissal of the President and Chief Executive Officer (including the nomination of a successor of the President and Chief Executive Officer), (5) nominations of candidates for Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members (including determination of Representative Directors and Executive Directors), (6) appointment of Management Council members, (7) the structures/levels of remuneration and bonuses for Directors and Executive officers and the limit of remuneration for Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and (8) the advisor system, and will submit the results thereof as recommendations to the Board of Directors. Additionally, the committee also deliberates and determines any matters delegated by the Board of Directors that are not included in (1) to (8) above, and reports the outcome of such deliberation or decision to the Board of Directors. In FY2023, the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee met 9 times to deliberate the abovementioned matters, and submitted the results thereof as recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Composition of the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee

Total Members Internal Directors Outside Directors Committee Chairman
5persons 2 persons (President and Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board of Directors) 3 persons Outside DirectorOutside Director

The Skills such as knowledge, experience and competencies, etc., that the Board of Directors is required to possess, and Skills that Directors or Audit & Supervisory Board Members currently in office possess (as of June 2024)

The Skills that the Board of Directors is required to possess

All Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members of the Company, regardless of whether they are internal or Outside Directors or Audit & Supervisory Board Members, are required to be honest in character, as well as highly insightful and capable, in accordance with their respective qualifications. Also, the Company raises "No.1 in Each Field" as a theme under the Medium-Term Management Plan 2026, and the Company accelerates business portfolio transformation through growth of business which has strengths and strengthening people and organizations, which are the driving forces for growth. Through such initiatives, the Company will strive to enhance the Group's competitive advantages and achieve growth by addressing social challenges. For successful implementation of this management plan, we have identified the types of knowledge, experience, and competencies, etc. (hereinafter "Skills") which enables the Board of Directors to adequately fulfill its roles of making decisions on important business matters and supervising business execution. "Governance" and "Global perspective" are Skills that all Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members are required to possess, while we believe that the Board of Directors as a whole should possess the other seven Skills. Of these seven Skills, for Audit & Supervisory Board Members we place a particularly high priority on "Corporate Management", "Finance/Accounting", and "Legal/Risk Management". As the Skills that the Board of Directors is required to possess may vary according to business strategies or changes in the external environment, the Board of Directors will continue to discuss the skills required, make necessary changes, and disclose such changes.

Skills that all Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members are required to possess and reasons why these Skills are necessary

Governance We believe that in order to fulfill our mandate from shareholders while at the same time managing our business in the interests of all stakeholders, it is essential for all Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members to be well-equipped with a high level of knowledge regarding governance. The essence of corporate governance based on our view is defined in the Sumitomo Corporation Corporate Governance Principles as "improving management efficiency," and "maintaining sound management," as well as "ensuring management transparency".
Global Perspective From the perspective that the Company conducts business transactions and investments throughout the world, we believe that all Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members should have keen insight from a global perspective. We view that this Skill entails the ability to plan and implement an optimal business strategy that combines caution with flexibility even under extremely uncertain situations, taking into account different cultures, different industrial structures, or the latest geopolitical developments, etc. We also view that this Skill includes the ability to appropriately supervise the execution of related management duties.

Skills that the Board of Directors as a whole is required to possess and reasons why these Skills are necessary

Corporate Management The Company engages in a range of business activities, aiming for a stable and sustainable increase in its corporate value. As the Board of Directors is the body that makes decisions on the Company's important business matters and supervises operational execution, we place a high priority on Skills related to corporate management. Such Skills are necessary to plan and implement an optimal business strategy for creating value in accordance with the Company's Management Principles while also meeting our stakeholders' expectations in a constantly changing operating environment.
Investment/M&A The Company invests in a diverse range of business domains. We consider Skills related to investment and M&A to be important for maximizing corporate value by selecting and implementing investment projects aligned with our strategy, and for supervising the progress of such projects. Such Skills include the abilities to clearly define investment objectives and determine their compatibility with our strategy, to properly evaluate investment targets, to undertake post-investment monitoring, and to ascertain the best timing for replacement of assets. We believe that it is expected for the Board of Directors to take a broad overview of investment projects and express its opinions on such projects from a standpoint one step away from that of Executive Officers and other executives.
IT/DX/Technology As accelerating technological advancements transform societies and industrial structures, the Company will continue to create value by responding with agility to such change, by anticipating change to pursue business innovation, and by creating new businesses. We will also reform our own business foundation by making effective use of new digital technologies such as AI in our business activities in line with our own values. We therefore place priority on Skills related to IT, DX, and Technology to facilitate decision-making and supervision in relation to such initiatives.
Sustainability Having identified certain important challenges that need to be prioritized as Material Issues, and placed these issues at the core of its business management, the Company always pays attention to whether its businesses are contributing to society. We are pursuing sustainability management, which entails anticipating long-term changes in our operating environment relating to social issues and allocating management resources strategically to contribute to a sustainable society and achieve sustainable growth for the Company. In order to implement and supervise such management, therefore, we place priority on knowledge and Skills relating to sustainability, including awareness of international trends and understanding of the relevant issues.
Finance/Accounting To enhance its sustainable corporate value, the Company endeavors to achieve medium- to long-term earnings growth and increase its returns to shareholders while maintaining a healthy balance between investment for growth and a solid financial position. To enable us to make appropriate decisions and properly inform the Company's initiatives to stakeholders as we work forward toward these goals, we need to provide accurate, timely financial reporting. We regard specialized Skills relating to finance and accounting as vital for the implementation and supervision of these tasks.
Legal/Risk Management We consider three goals to be of key importance in ensuring that the Company achieves sustainable, robust growth: stabilizing performance, strengthening our financial base, and maintaining our corporate reputation. To achieve these objectives, we conduct appropriate risk management using various means. These include assessing and analyzing the risks that accompany commercial transactions, business investments, and other business opportunities; keeping the Company's total Risk-weighted Assets to within our buffer (shareholder's equity); and maximizing Risk-adjusted Return. Accordingly, we place priority on a wide variety of risk management-related skills necessary to achieve these ends, including the ability to screen and monitor transactions, investments, and loans, and expertise in legal and compliance risk management.
HR Management & Development Regarding human capital as its most important form of business capital, the Company provides each individual with opportunities for autonomous growth and self-realization and strives to upgrade its HR management cycle. Through such efforts, we are maximizing the performance of our diverse talents and the organization as a whole, thereby pursuing our business strategies and creating new value. We particularly emphasize Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, which we recognize as the core enabler for value creation, innovation, and competitiveness. We therefore regard Skills related to HR management and development as important for enabling the Board of Directors to make key decisions on such initiatives and supervise their implementation.

Skills that Directors or Audit & Supervisory Board Members currently in office possess

Of the Skills identified above as necessary for the Board of Directors as a whole, Skills currently possessed by individual Directors or Audit & Supervisory Board members are shown in the table below. The skills of individual Directors or Audit & Supervisory Board Members are determined after considering all their attributes, including their careers, knowledge, experience, capabilities, qualifications, and specific achievements, and discussing these with the individuals concerned.

  • A brief history of each of the incumbent Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Member is disclosed.


Name Role
(Term of office as Director)
Skills such as knowledge, experience and competencies, etc.
Corporate management Investment/
Sustainability Finance/
Legal/Risk management Human resources management & development
Masayuki Hyodo Director, Chairman
(6 years )
Toshikazu Nambu Director
Vice Chairman
Shingo Ueno Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer
(1year )
Takayuki Seishima Representative Director, Executive Vice President
(5 years )
Reiji Morooka Representative Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer
(2 years )
Norihiko Nonaka Representative Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer


Name Role
(Term of office as Director)
Knowledge, experience and competencies, etc.(Skills)
Corporate management Investment/
Sustainability Finance/
Legal/Risk management Human resources management & development
Akiko Ide Outside Director
(4 years )
Takashi Mitachi Outside Director
(2 years )
Takahisa Takahara Outside Director
(1year )
Haruyasu Asakura Outside Director
Nana Otsuki Outside Director

Audit & Supervisory Board Members(Internal)

Name Role
(Term of office as Director)
Knowledge, experience and competencies, etc. (Skills)
Corporate management Investment/
Sustainability Finance/
Legal/Risk management Human resources management & development
Daisuke Mikogami Senior Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Full-Time)
Kazunari Sakata Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Full-Time)

Audit & Supervisory Board Members(Outside)

Name Role
(Term of office as Director)
Knowledge, experience and competencies, etc. (Skills)
Corporate management Investment/
Sustainability Finance/
Legal/Risk management Human resources management & development
Yukiko Nagashima Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Nobuo Inada Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Taisei Kunii Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Currently, 2 of the 11 members of the Board of Directors and 1 of the 5 members of the Audit & Supervisory Board are female.

Audit & Supervisory Board Members and the Audit & Supervisory Board

Audit & Supervisory Board Members
and the Audit & Supervisory Board

Enhancement of Auditing capabilities

The Audit & Supervisory Board comprises five members—two Inside Fulltime Audit & Supervisory Board Members and three Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members (including one woman). The Inside Audit & Supervisory Board Members must have a sincere character, deep insight, and high-level skills as well as specialized business knowledge and a broad range of experience, and they are appointed without regard for gender, nationality, and other such characteristics.
The Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members must also have a sincere character, deep insight, and high-level skills as well as advanced specialized knowledge, particularly in fields such as corporate management, law, or accounting and extensive experience, and they too are appointed without regard for gender, nationality, and so on. Among the Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, one is a fulltime Audit & Supervisory Board Member of a listed company and has an experience in business management, and one is a legal expert (a former Prosecutor-General), and the other is a certified public accountant with considerable knowledge of finance and accounting. All of the Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members satisfy the criteria on independence set by financial instruments exchanges on which the Company is listed, as well as the Standard for Independence established by Sumitomo Corporation.

Ensuring Audit Effectiveness

Each Audit & Supervisory Board Member attends important meetings such as the Board of Directors Meeting, receives reports form Directors and employees, etc. regarding the execution of their duties, asks them for explanations as necessary, inspects important internal authorization documents and examines the status of operations and the financial status regarding the head office and important operating locations. As for subsidiaries, each Audit & Supervisory Board Member promotes communication and exchange of information with Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members, etc. of subsidiaries, and receives reports on the subsidiaries’ business as necessary.
The Audit & Supervisory Board Members' Administration Department (five employees) has been established as a specialized organization to support the work of the Audit & Supervisory Board Members. The Audit & Supervisory Board Members participate in personnel evaluations and transfers and so on regarding these employees to ensure their independence from the Board of Directors.

Collaboration between the Internal Auditing Department and Accounting Auditors

To ensure audit efficiency, Audit & Supervisory Board Members interact closely with the Internal Auditing Department, receiving reports on internal audit plans and their results in a timely manner. In addition, Audit & Supervisory Board Members exchange information with and monitor the auditing activities of the accounting auditors through regular meetings. By attending audit review meetings and observing inventory audits by the accounting auditors, the Audit & Supervisory Board Members constantly work to improve audit efficiency and quality.

Training and Information Provision for Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

On taking office, Outside Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members have the opportunity to receive a briefing on areas including the Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Management Principles, management policy, business activities, finances, organization, medium-term management plan, and risk management system. To enable Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members to acquire the necessary knowledge and update it as appropriate, we additionally provide access to resources including seminars and e-learning facilities, offering financial support to cover the necessary costs.

To deepen their understanding of “Sumitomo’s Business Philosophy” and the Company’s business activities, Outside Directors and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members, in principle, visit Sumitomo-related facilities during the first fiscal year of their term in office and have opportunities to observe at least one workplace in Japan and at least one workplace overseas every year. In fiscal 2023, in addition to one Japanese workplace and two overseas workplaces visits, Sumitomo-related facility visits were conducted.

Executive Remuneration Plan

Matters related to policy for deciding the remuneration for individual directors

The decision making policy for the remuneration of individual Directors was resolved at the Board of Directors meeting after deliberation within the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee (chaired by Outside Director), a majority of whose members are Outside Directors.

  1. System for remuneration (● indicates such Director eligible for each type of remuneration)
    Type of Remuneration Director Type
    Executive Director Chairman of the Board of Directors/Director, Vice Chairman Outside Director
    Fixed Monthly Remuneration
    Variable Performance Linked Bonus
    Stock-based remuneration
  2. Ratio and remuneration standards regarding each types of remuneration

    The Company will establish an appropriate ratio, etc. between fixed remuneration (monthly remuneration) and variable remuneration (“performance linked bonus” which is linked with short term performance of the Company and “stock-based remuneration” which is linked with middle and long term performance of the Company and shareholder value) which corresponds to Director’s position, (i) by setting an appropriate remuneration standards to acquire and retain highly capable management who will bring about the Company’s sustainable growth and increase of corporate value in the middle to long term, and (ii) to design as healthy incentive to sustainable growth of the Company, based on its business environment, management strategy and human capital strategy, with reference to objective remuneration market research data, etc. provided by external specialized agencies.

  3. Policy and method on the decision of the amount of each remuneration

    • Policy on the decision of the amount of each remuneration: as follows
    • Method on the decision of the amount of each remuneration: Remuneration of each Directors is resolved by the Board of Directors within the limit resolved at the General Meeting of Shareholders. For the resolution by the Board of Directors, the details are deliberated by the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee and the results thereof are reported to the Board of Directors. For other method, as follows

  Policy on the decision of the amount of each remuneration Method on the decision of the amount of each remuneration
Fixed Monthly Remuneration
  • Fixed amount remuneration determined based on the abovementioned standards is provided.
  • Variable Performance Linked Bonus
  • From the perspective of reinforcing the relationship with its group’s management strategy, the total amount to be paid is determined in accordance with the performance management index to be focused on in the medium-term management plan. The amount to be paid to individual Executive Directors is distributed according to their position and personal evaluation and is paid after the end of the fiscal year.
  • Each Executive Director is evaluated on the basis of both financial indicators and non-financial indicators.
  • The Board of Directors, reflecting reports from the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee, set assumed values for each performance management index and decide formula for calculating the performance linked bonuses for individual Executive Directors (for the relevant fiscal year) based on actual values for each performance management index.
  • After the end of fiscal year, Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer (who is delegated such decision by the Board of Directors) shall decide personal evaluations of each Executive Directors regarding the performance management index which is a part of the formula, following meetings with each of Executive Directors, and performance linked bonuses for each fiscal year will be determined as per the formula, within the limit resolved at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
  • Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer will 70 report to the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee about the grading results to make sure that the personal evaluations are appropriate.
  • Restricted Performance Share Unit-Based Remuneration
  • This remuneration is aimed at promoting efforts at optimizing its business portfolio, increasing corporate value in the medium to long term and to ensure sustainable growth, focusing on the link with indicators related to environment, society and governance (ESG) together with shareholder value. Further, we shall promote to share value with the shareholders. The actual contents and timing of payment of the stock-based remuneration for each Directors is decided by the Board of Directors after consultation with the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee.
  • The Board of Directors, reflecting reports from the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee, decide formula for calculating the stock-based remuneration for individual Executive Directors at the first board meeting of relevant evaluation period based on actual values for each performance management index in several fiscal years.
  • Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee (who is delegated such decision by the Board of Directors), comprised of Outside Directors, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer, shall decide personal evaluations of each Executive Directors on the non-financial indicator which is a part of the formula, and report the evaluations to the Board of Directors.
  • Remuneration system

    1. Executive remuneration plan (● indicates the persons eligible for each type of remuneration, etc.)
      Type of remuneration, etc. Eligibility
      Executive Directors/ Executive Officers Chairman of the Board of Directors/Director, Vice Chairman Outside Directors Audit & Supervisory Board Members
      Fixed Monthly Remuneration
      Variable Performance Linked Bonus
      Restricted Performance Share Unit-Based Remuneration
    2. Remuneration standards and remuneration composition ratios of Executive Directors and Executive Officers

      • We have set competitive remuneration standards and remuneration composition ratios in light of the current business environment, business strategies, and human capital strategy. We have done so with reference to remuneration market research data, etc. provided by independent external specialized agencies.
      • We have increased the ratio of variable remuneration accounted for by restricted performance share unit-based remuneration to further strengthen the incentive to increase the Company’s corporate value over the medium to long term and to pursue business management that is more concerned than ever before with the Company’s stock price and with a focus on sharing value with the shareholders.
      • We have amended the overall remuneration standard for Executive Directors and Executive Officers in light of current business results and the level of business results we seek to achieve, with the aim of setting a standard that assists in acquiring and retaining our management personnel.
      • The image of the remuneration of Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer is as shown below.
      Fixed remuneration Variable remuneration
      Monthly Remuneration Performance Linked Bonus Restricted Performance Share Unit-Based Remuneration
      Before change 34% 33% 33%
      Total 34% Total 66%

      Fixed remuneration Variable remuneration
      Monthly Remuneration Performance Linked Bonus Restricted Performance Share Unit-Based Remuneration
      After change 27% 33% 40%
      Total 27% Total 73%

      Note: The above breakdown is calculated based on the rate of achievement of business results, the stock price growth rate, and the results on non-financial indicators all being 100%. The composition ratios for each type of remuneration vary according to changes in these rates.

    3. Performance linked bonus

      • Each fiscal year the Company sets the full-year forecast (consolidated net income for the year) or the consolidated net income for the year when ROE is 12% (whichever amount is higher) as the target business result and decides the total amount of performance linked bonuses to be paid according to the rate of achievement of this target business result.
      • The potential range of business results is assumed to be up to 50% above or below the target business result set each fiscal year and the standard for the total amount of performance linked bonuses to be paid is set at 100% when the target business result is achieved, with a range of variation from 25% to 175% in line with the potential range of business results.
      • If business results fall outside this range, the total amount of performance linked bonuses to be paid is decided separately by the Board of Directors based on a report from the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee.
      • The amount to be paid to individual officers is distributed according to their position and personal evaluation and paid after the end of the fiscal year.
      • Each officer is evaluated on the basis of both financial indicators (achievement of business plans, etc. in the respective areas of responsibility) and non-financial indicators (such as individual Strategic Business Units’ achievement of KPIs and KAIs, and progress in addressing important company-wide issues) so that they can become more aware regarding their commitment to management strategy and results.
      • The ratio of financial indicators to non-financial indicators in personal evaluation is 50:50, and of evaluation based on non-financial indicators, 20% relates to the important company-wide issues of business reform through digital transformation (DX), enhancement of sustainability management, and promotion of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
      • As a result of increasing the ratio of stock-based remuneration, the stock price growth rate will no longer be included as an element in the calculation of performance linked bonuses.
    4. Restricted Performance Share Unit-Based Remuneration

      • With the aim of promoting efforts to increase the Group’s corporate value over the medium to long term and pursue business management that ensures a focus on sharing value with the shareholders, the number of the Company’s common shares (restricted) to be provided is calculated according to the Company’s stock growth rate (ratio of the Company’s stock price growth to the growth rate of the TOPIX (Tokyo Stock Exchange Stock Price Index)) during the three-year evaluation period.
      • Evaluation based on non-financial indicators (measures to tackle climate change, promotion of women’s empowerment, and employee engagement) is used to calculate the number of the Company’s common shares to be granted as restricted shares. In this way the Company aims to enable increased awareness of its commitment to the enhancement of sustainability management by linking non-financial indicators (related to environment and/or society) more closely to stock-based remuneration and further promoting efforts to address its Key Social Issues.
      • To enable a shared focus on shareholder value over the medium to long term, the restriction period will be from the day the shares are provided until the day the recipient resigns or retires from all their positions as Director or Executive Officer of the Company or any other position determined by the Board of Directors.

    Internal Audit

    The Internal Audit Department that reports directly to the President and Chief Executive Officer, is an independent organization that monitors the operations of the Group, and audits organizations and operating companies of the Group. As well as reporting the internal audit results directly to the President and Chief Executive Officer, in principle on a monthly basis, periodic reports are also made to the Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board. The department regularly conducts audits on all aspects of internal control, comprising asset and risk management, compliance and business operations. It evaluates the effectiveness and adequacy of the internal controls of auditees, taking into account the significance of the inherent risks. At the same time, it provides appropriate advice for improvements and expedites improvement and maintenance on the auditee’s own initiative, thereby contributing to the improvement of governance and internal controls within the Sumitomo Corporation Group.


    Corporate Strategy Promotion Committee, Global Innovation and Portfolio Committee, Company Investment Committee, Internal Control Committee, Compliance Committee, Corporate Sustainability Committee, Corporate Communication Committee, IT Strategy Committee, and Pension Management Committee are established as advisory bodies for the Management Council with regard to specific matters that are important from the perspective of Sumitomo Corporation as a whole.

    Basic Policy on Information Disclosure

    System for Ensuring Management Transparency

    Basic Policy on Information Disclosure

    To bring an accurate understanding of the Company's management policies and business activities to all our stakeholders, we shall strive to make full disclosure, not limiting ourselves to the disclosure of information required by law but also actively pursuing the voluntary disclosure of information.

    Corporate Disclosure Policy

    Communicating with Shareholders and Other Investors

    Measures relating to the General Meeting of Shareholders

    We send out a convening notice describing how to access the material for the General Meeting of Shareholders (for shareholders who requested the delivery of such material in paper, the printed material for the General Meeting of Shareholders) to shareholders approximately three weeks prior to each Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. For the convenience of shareholders, we also provide the notice on our corporate website in advance of sending a Notice of Convocation, together with its English-language translation. We allow shareholders and investors sufficient time to thoroughly examine the propositions to be resolved at the Meeting by enabling them to exercise their voting rights via internet (including through the Electronic Voting Platform for institutional investors operated by Investor Communication Japan, Inc. [ICJ]). In addition, we stream the General Meeting of Shareholders live for shareholders on internet and the streaming video of the meeting is posted on our website for a certain period after the close of the meeting. Furthermore, we accept questions from shareholders on internet prior to the General Meeting of Shareholders.

    Disclosing Various Information

    The IR section of our corporate website provides various materials that may be useful in making investment decisions in a timely manner. These materials include financial results, yukashoken houkokusho (Japanese annual securities reports) and other Tokyo Stock Exchange filings as well as documents from company briefings. Moreover, we endeavor to ensure proactive disclosure of not only financial information but non-financial information as well on our Integrated Report and our Sustainability Website.

    Investor Relations and Shareholder Relations

    In order to ensure direct communication with shareholders and other investors, we hold quarterly meetings attended by top management to provide information on our financial results for analysts and institutional investors in Japan, as well as one-on-one meetings with them. For individual investors, we hold company briefings online as well as in major cities across Japan. For overseas, we continuously hold one-on-one meetings with institutional investors mainly in Europe, North America and Asia. In addition to these, we ensure regular and constructive engagement with domestic and overseas institutional shareholders who substantially hold the Company’s shares. Such engagement primarily addresses our initiatives and policies, etc. relating to ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) issues. While increasing management transparency, we aim to strengthen our relationships of trust with shareholders and investors.

    While working to improve and enhance our corporate governance structure and systems, from the perspectives of "improving management efficiency" and "maintaining sound management" by implementing the measures above, we will continue to further strengthen internal auditing, risk management, compliance, to further improve the effectiveness of internal control.

    Status of Compliance with the Japan's Corporate Governance Code

    Status of Compliance with the Japan's Corporate Governance Code

    Status of Compliance with the Japan's Corporate Governance Code

    The Company complies all Principles of the Corporate Governance Code. Please refer to Corporate Governance Report for details.

    Corporate Governance Report

    Policy on Cross-shareholdings and Standards for Exercising Voting Rights

    As a general rule, the Company will neither acquire nor hold shares in other listed companies for purposes other than pure investment.

    However, the Company may decide to hold shares in listed companies in some exceptional cases when the Company determines that it is appropriate. For such determination, the Company will comprehensively assess and verify the capital cost of individual stocks and the economic rationality and significance of holding the stocks in light of the necessity of partnering or other business needs. Each year, the Board of Directors reviews whether or not the Company’s holding of listed shares is appropriate.

    If such annual review concludes that specific shareholdings are of little significance, the Company will push ahead with the sale of the shares.

    In FY 2023, the Company sold shares of 18 listed stocks (either in whole or in part), amounting to 20.6 billion yen in total. As of the end of March 2024, the Company’s shareholdings in listed companies cover 48 stocks, with the total balance of 272.2 billion yen.

    When exercising voting rights, the Company examines various aspects through both quantitative and qualitative approaches in accordance with its own guidelines. Such examination focuses on whether each proposal presented to shareholders will lead to the enhancement of shareholder value and medium- to long-term corporate value of both the Company and the investee company. In this way, the Company tries to make adequate decisions as to whether to vote in favor of or against each proposal based on comprehensive judgments.

    If an entity holding shares in the Company for purposes other than pure investment indicates its intention to sell the shares, the Company will, in principle, respect such intention, and the business relationship between the entity and the Company will not be affected.

    History of strengthning corporate governance

    History of Strengthening Governance

    History of Strengthening Governance

    Sumitomo Corporation has worked continuously to strengthen governance. This has included introducing the Audit & Supervisory Board system, increasing the number of Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members and Outside Directors, and evaluating the effectiveness of the Board of Directors. Looking ahead, we will make further efforts toward enhancing the effectiveness of governance by strengthening group governance and reinforcing the functions of the Board of Directors.

    1993 Appointed first Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member
    1998 Established the Sumitomo Corporation Group's Corporate Mission Statement
    2003 Established the Sumitomo Corporation Corporate Governance Principles
    Reduced the number of Directors (from 24 to 12)
    Introduced the executive officer system
    Specified the term of office of Chairman and President (limited to 6 years) in the Sumitomo Corporation Corporate Governance Principles
    Increased the number of Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members by 1 to 3 (for a total of 5 Audit & Supervisory Board Members)
    2005 Shortened term of office of Directors and Executive Officers to 1 year
    2007 Established the Remuneration Committee as an advisory body to the Board of Directors, the majority of whom are outside members
    2013 Appointed first 2 Outside Directors
    Specified the term of office of Outside Directors (limited to 6 years) and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members (limited to 8 years) in the Sumitomo Corporation Corporate Governance Principles
    2015 Reviewed governance and decision-making processes
    • Management Council became the highest executive-level decision-making body
    • Enhanced the monitoring function by the Board of Directors
    • Reorganized the Remuneration Committee as the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee, the majority of whose members are Outside Directors
    Increased the number of Outside Directors by 1 to 3
    2016 Began evaluating the effectiveness of the Board of Directors (evaluation period began with FY2015; continues each year)
    Complied with all principles of Japan's Corporate Governance Code (continues each year)
    Increased the number of Outside Directors by 1 to 4
    2017 Reduced the number of Internal Directors from 10 to 6
    2018 Increased the number of Outside Directors to 5
    2019 Revised the counselor and honorary advisor system
    Set the policy and procedure for appointment and dismissal of the President and Chief Executive Officer
    Determined the policy and procedure for appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of the Board of Directors
    2020 Began agenda setting for the Board of Directors
    2021 Disclosed the skills matrix for Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members
    2023 Newly established a dedicated department to support Directors