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Our Sustainability Management

Sustainable Finance

Sustainable Finance

View Sumitomo Corporation's Sustainability : Sustainable Finance

Purpose and Background

“Enriching lives and the world” is the corporate message of the Group. We are developing our business around the world with the aim of realizing a sustainable society and enriching people’s lives. Based on a phrase that conveys the Group’s business philosophy: “Benefit for self and others, private and public interests are one and the same,” we strategically allocate management resources in anticipation of the long-term shifting business landscape impacted by these social issues, and we leverage our strengths to continue creating the value that society truly needs. We promote sustainability management in the belief that each of these actions will create a sustainable society and achieve sustainable growth for Sumitomo Corporation.

As part of the promotion of sustainability management, we have developed the Sustainable Finance Framework to promote awareness of Sumitomo Corporation Group’s sustainability management among a wide range of Stakeholders, and to promote such efforts from the viewpoint of financing.

DFF Inc.

Sustainable Finance Framework

The Sumitomo Corporation’s Sustainable Finance Framework sets forth guidelines for four elements (1. Use of Proceeds, 2. Process for Project Evaluation and Selection, 3. Management of Proceeds, 4. Reporting) in accordance with Green Bond Principles 2021, Social Bond Principles 2023 and Sustainability Bond Guidelines 2021 by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and Green Loan Principles 2023 and Social Loan Principles 2023 by the Loan Market Association (LMA), the Asia Pacific Loan Market Association (APLMA) and the Loan Syndications & Trading Association (LSTA).

Sustainable Finance Framework

DFF Inc.

Second-Party Opinion

For the assessment of the alignment of the Sustainable Finance Framework with the above principles and guidelines, Sumitomo Corporation obtained a second-party opinion from Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I).

Second-Party Opinion

DFF Inc.


Name 1st Green Bond (60th unsecured bonds) 2nd Green Bond (64th unsecured bonds)
Issue Date May 24, 2022 Sep 6, 2023
Redemption date May 24, 2032 Sep 6, 2033
Term to Maturity 10 years 10 years
Issue Amount 20 billion yen 10 billion yen
Reporting The allocation of funds / Impact reporting The allocation of funds / Impact reporting
The second-party opinion Review by Sustainalytics Review by Sustainalytics
  • 1st and 2nd Green Bond were issued under the Green Finance Rramework published in February 2022.
    The Sustainable Finance Framework published in February 2024 constitutes a revision of the Green Finance Framework.

Green Finance Framework

Second-Party Opinion by Sustainalytics

DFF Inc.