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Social Responsibility

View Sumitomo Corporation's Sustainability : Social Responsibility

Basic concept of responsibility for customers

Policy and Concept

Basic concept of responsibility for customers

The Sumitomo Corporation Group operates TV shopping, food supermarket, and other businesses that handle consumer products and services, but will not handle products that seriously negatively impact society and run counter to corporate social responsibility, including: any product that has not been confirmed as safe and therefore is socially questionable; any product that may impair human rights, dignity or reputation; any product that defames or disparages another company; and any product that infringes on intellectual property, including patents, utility model rights, design rights, trademarks and copyrights, or other rights of third parties. We also comply with laws and regulations on product and service safety and quality standards. If any product or service we provide has a quality problem, we will take prompt actions to prevent related damage from spreading, and make efforts to investigate the cause of the problem and prevent a recurrence.

Responsible advertising and marketing

In lifestyle, retail, and other business areas that deliver products directly to consumers, we are fully aware of the significance of the impact that advertising expressions have on consumers. Placing first priority on safety and security, we carry out advertising and marketing activities with due consideration of our social responsibilities. Taking into account the position of consumers and using factual expressions in principle, we will not use misleading expressions describing the characteristics or quality of our products and services.

Creating local employment

The Sumitomo Corporation Group operates large-scale resource development, infrastructure development, manufacturing, processing and sales businesses in countries around the world, and therefore the impact of its business activities on the economies and lifestyles of these countries and regions is significant. Recognizing that we have a responsibility to pay attention to the history of the country or region and care about local residents as we carry out our business activities, we contribute to the development of local communities not only by creating and promoting local employment but also by working on skills advancement for sustainable development, support for self-reliance, and protection of the local culture and the environment.

Food and beverage safety

Policies for Specific Commodities

Food and beverage safety

The Food Business Line of the Lifestyle Business Group, Sumitomo Corporation, established a food safety management team in 2003 and is working on food safety management throughout the group.


Address social issues related to food and health from consumers’ perspectives to make their lives more enjoyable.

Food Safety Management Policy

Sumitomo Corporation Foods Business Line and SC Foods Co., Ltd. prioritize food safety and security, and implement product management (ingredients, additives, labeling), supplier management (quality control, process control), food safety information collection, and employee training. Through such food safety management activities, we comply with food-related laws and regulations, prevent food-related hazards, and strive to provide safe and secure food, processed foods, and fresh foods.

Issues and approaches in the food business

The Sumitomo Corporation Group has developed a broad value chain which ranges from the procurement of raw materials to the delivery of products and services to consumers. As well as contributing to food safety and security, we also address nutrition issues by offering food products with superior functionality. We recognize various issues involved (see table below) and implement initiatives to prevent them from occurring and reduce their impact.

Key Issues Main Themes Management Approach and Awareness
Reducing negative impact of food products on customers Ensuring the safety of processed foods and fresh foods Safety management of imported foods, processed foods, and fresh foods (production areas, manufacturing processes, factories, raw materials, food additives, foreign substances, residual pesticides, genetically modified foods, etc.).
  • Safety Management using a “Store Hygiene Management Plan” based on the HACCP concept
  • Conducting suppliers’ factory inspections
  • Food safety management of imported, processed, and fresh food products in accordance with food safety management regulations by the food safety staff
    • Supplier management (quality control system survey, factory survey, etc)
    • Product management (product information management using product charts)  
    • Education and awareness of staff
Responsible advertising, marketing, and promotion of food products Providing information regarding food allergies and food additives Providing and labeling accurate information regarding raw materials, food additives, production areas, food allergies, etc. of imported foods, processed foods, and fresh foods in the Food Business Line and SC Foods Co., Ltd..
  • Thorough food labeling management using the raw material registration system
  • Improving initiatives regarding checking skills of food label contents
  • Accurate labeling and provision of product information (ingredients, food additives, production areas, food allergies, etc.) to customers through checks by food safety staff and product chart management at the Food Business Line of Sumitomo Corporation and SC Foods Co., Ltd.
Responsible advertising, marketing, and promotion of alcoholic beverages Providing information on preventing drinking by persons under 20 years of age and pregnant women
  • In-house training programs regarding Liquor Tax Law, etc
Access to better nutrition Labeling of nutritional information for in-store processed products
  • Providing information to help customers choose the foods they want

Access to better nutrition

"In the food sector, our group operates a wide range of food businesses from upstream to downstream including: distribution and processing businesses centered on fresh fruits, vegetables and meat, raw material businesses such as grains, fats/oils and sweeteners, and retail businesses such as supermarkets and drug stores. We are developing our business with the concept of health and wellness and working to address social issues.
In developed countries, with the arrival of super-aging societies, increased medical costs and an increase in the number of people requiring nursing care due to undernutrition and imbalanced nutrition among the elderly have become major issues. Furthermore, it is necessary to maintain nutrition for home care patients who require dietary restrictions due to diabetes or kidney disease, and to ensure a nutritional balance to prevent obesity. Meanwhile, emerging countries faces social issues such as hunger and malnutrition caused by poverty."

Some of SUMMIT,INC and Tomod’s CO., LTD. stores are running the Health Community Corner "Kenkomi'' as a place that supports local consumers with food and health. We also offer them services such as health condition self-check, nutrition guidance and health consultations by our resident registered dietitian, and recipe introductions.

Our group will contribute to solving these social issues by improving nutrition through the stable supply of food and providing foods and services with high added value in nutritional terms, thereby creating a society where people can live healthy and prosperous lives.




Aiming to make life more enjoyable by addressing social issues from the consumers' perstpective, the Sumitomo Corporation Group places the highest priority on food safety and health, and provides stable access to high-quality nutritional sources through its business. We also aim to develop and provide value-added specialty products and services that meet diverse needs, including health- and nutrition-conscious products and services, as well as environmental and sustainability needs.

Quality management for our food business

Management system

Quality management for our food business

With the diversification of dietary habits, the globalization of food distribution, and a growing awareness regarding health issues, consumers are increasingly paying attention to the safety and quality of their food. On the other hand, there have been cases of incidents and problems threatening food safety, such as those regarding violation of food labeling standards, residual pesticides, and the distribution of foods using unauthorized additives.
In response to these issues,the Food Business Line of the Lifestyle Business Group of Sumitomo Corporation and SC Foods Co., Ltd. have established a quality management system centered on food safety personnel (Lifestyle Business Group Internal Control & Food Safety Line and SC Foods Co., Ltd. Food Safety Management Department) to prioritize food safety.

Sumitomo Corporation's Food Business Line of the Lifestyle Business Group and group company SC Foods Co., Ltd. are implementing the following initiatives regarding food safety management:

  • Employee education and awareness activities regarding food safety
  • Management of food safety, food labeling, etc.
  • Checking of food safety management status of group companies and suppliers and inspection of factories
  • Sustainability-related measurements in the supply chain

Supplier management audits for our food business

Due Diligence for New Suppliers

When initiating business with a new supplier, the Food Business Line of Sumitomo Corporation and SC Foods Co., Ltd. conduct due diligence in accordance with our Food Safety Management Regulations. A team responsible for food safety (Food Business Line food safety staff and SC Foods Co., Ltd. Food Safety Management Department) judges the necessity of factory inspections after confirming the supplier's quality management system, manufacturing process, transaction status, food safety standard certification status, and sustainability compliance status, etc., using a preliminary quality management survey.

Securing the Safety of Food through Regular Audits of Overseas Suppliers

Furthermore, in accordance with the Food Safety Management Regulations, our food safety officer conducts factory inspections in principle once every five years, targeting factories that the food safety staff deems necessary based on quality and manufacturing process management systems, product risk characteristics, product handling conditions, and other factors in addition to new transactions with overseas suppliers. For overseas suppliers, we also check the status of their sustainability initiatives using a survey.

Factory inspections

The procedures and results regarding factory inspections are as follows.

Process Description
Target companies and system settings Food Business Line of Sumitomo Corporation and SC Foods Co., Ltd. conduct preliminary surveys of supplier factories of imported and processed food products in accordance with the Food Safety Management Regulations (Contractor Management Manual and Purchasing Management Manual) to determine their management systems and food safety certification status. In addition, we conduct a factory inspection on the factories that the food safety manager determines to be necessary, taking into consideration the risk characteristics and handling conditions of the products, using the factory inspection sheet.
Factory inspections Inspections are conducted at the start of transactions and once every five years in principle. (Inspections are conducted each time the food safety officer deems it necessary)
FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Factory inspections results (Number of factories) 17 factories 19 factories 15 factories


Group companies in the Food Business Line of Sumitomo Corporation have acquired food safety standard certification that supports food safety management based on HACCP, and are building and operating a food safety management system.

Group companies that have acquired food safety standard certifications that comply with HACCP, such as SQF, FSSC22000, ISO22000, and JFS.

  • SQF certification acquired: Juice Products New Zealand Limited
  • FSSC22000 certification acquired: Nissin Sugar Co., Ltd. (Renamed to WELLNEO SUGAR Co., Ltd., in October 2024), ITOCHU Sugar Co., Ltd. (Wellneo Sugar Group)
  • ISO22000 certification acquired: SC Foods Co., Ltd. Kawasaki Shiohama Processing Center
  • JFS-B certification acquired: Summit Oil Mill Co., Ltd., Shinko Sugar Mill Co., Ltd.

Food safety responsible marketing and compliance education and training program

Regarding responsible marketing and compliance related to food safety, we conduct training programs aimed at increasing employees' awareness and knowledge of food safety, legal compliance, and sustainability.

Main contents ①Food safety management introduction seminar (held at least once a year)
  • Food safety and responsible advertising, marketing, and promotion (responsibilities of food business operators, food safety management, sustainability)
  • Food-related laws and regulations (Food Sanitation Act, Food Labeling Act)
  • Food safety initiative system (internal regulations, rules, organizational structure)
  • Food product management, quality control, and process control
②Food Compliance Committee (conducted 6 times a year, bimonthly)
Updating and disseminating information related to food safety management, sustainability, and compliance
Target Persons ①A member of the Food Business Line of the Lifestyle Business Group and a member of SC Foods Co., Ltd.. (required for those in employment/transfer positions)
②In charge of food safety at Food Business Line, Lifestyle Business Group, SC Foods Co., Ltd.; Committee members selected from each sales department, logistics-related departments, and group companies participate. (conducted 6 times a year, every other month)
Attendance status FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of participants ①1 person
②15 people/time
①30 people
②14 people/time
①10 people
②14 people/time

Addressing Negative Impacts of Processed Foods


Addressing Negative Impacts of Processed Foods

Development and provision of products and services that promote health and eliminate negative impacts

The labeling of processed foods is crucial information for ensuring the safety of individuals with food allergies when consuming food and for preventing health issues due to excessive intake of specific substances. SUMMIT,INC is committed to providing accurate and easy-to-understand food labeling and information in compliance with laws and regulations in order to prevent health issues for people with food allergies.
Sumitomo Corporation's food business line and SC Foods Co., Ltd., are working to provide accurate and easy-to-understand food labeling and information in compliance with laws and regulations by checking product information such as ingredients, food additives, allergens related to food allergies, and country of origin by the food safety management staff.

Development and provision of products and services that promote health and eliminate negative impacts

Wellneo Sugar Co., Ltd. aims to realize "Well-being" (happiness and health) by exploring the power and potential of sugar.
Nissin Sugar Co., Ltd. (Renamed to WELLNEO SUGAR Co., Ltd., in October 2024), a Wellneo Sugar Group, offers a variety of sugar and sweetener products, including general sugar, to meet the needs of consumers, such as products using galactooligosaccharide, which is effective as a substance that promotes the growth of bifidobacteria in the intestines, and products that strengthen bones. We develop and provide products that meet the needs of consumers and help solve social issues, such as products that contain calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for human health.
Developed by Nissin Sugar Co., Ltd. (Renamed to WELLNEO SUGAR Co., Ltd., in October 2024) using biotechnology, "Cup Oligo" is an oligosaccharide made from the lactose contained in milk. Its main component, galactooligo saccharide (GOS), is effective in promoting the growth of Bifidus bacteria. "Cup Oligo" has superior physical properties as a food sweetener and-as a substance also present in breastmilk- is reliable in terms of safety. Research on the functionality of galactooligosaccharides is currently attracting a lot of attention, with the number of papers increasing all over the world.

Our group companies, SC Foods Co., Ltd. and Summit Oil Mill Co.,Ltd., procure premium vegetable oils with a variety of functionalities from around the world in response to growing health-conscious needs and provide them to customers and consumers.
Flaxseed oil and perilla oil contain omega-3 (n-3 fatty acids), which are "essential fatty acids" that cannot be produced in the body and support the health maintenance functions of the human body, and are also being developed as functional foods.

Food safety and reliability

The Sumitomo Corporation Group has established and manages its own quality control standards, which are even stricter than those required by law, in order to deliver products that customers can enjoy with peace of mind.

Process Food safety
Ingredient Management
  • We manage imported and processed food products (raw materials, food additives, manufacturing processes, production sites, product standards, labeling, analytical information, etc.) through a product medical record system after food safety officers examine compliance with laws, regulations, and standards.
Manufacturing and Quality Control
  • We confirm compliance with legal and contractual standards through various inspection results, in addition to inspections of supplier factories for imported and processed foods.
  • Inspection items are selected according to product characteristics. (pesticide residue test, microbiological test, physical and chemical test, sensory test)
  • Inspection frequency is set individually depending on product characteristics and product handling conditions.
Distribution Management
  • Distribution center facility management
  • Storage and transportation by temperature zone – frozen, chilled, and fixed temperature
Store management
  • Education on hygiene management at stores
  • Implementation of hygiene management in accordance with HACCP

Addressing the negative impact of alcohol products on socially vulnerable groups


SUMMIT,INC runs community-based retail business and implement the following initiatives to support the socially vulnerable groups.

SUMMIT,INC sells alcoholic beverages and tobacco, and is committed to strictly preventing the sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco to persons under 20 years of age.
Alcohol consumption by people under 20 years of age has a number of negative effects, including those on health, such as impeding physical growth (sexual function, brain, liver, etc.), causing higher risk of becoming addicted to alcohol. Also people who start drinking at a younger age are more likely to engage in risky behaviors.
As a responsible business operators, SUMMIT,INC recognizes that drinking alcohol can have these negative effects on people under the age of 20. We take the following precautionary measures and work diligently to prevent the negative effects of alcohol consumption on people under the age of 20 and other vulnerable groups in society.

1. Warning to Customers
We give warnings to customers about the sale of alcohol by displaying posters stating that we do not sell alcoholic beverages to persons under 20 years of age, and by indicating that the products are alcoholic beverages. In addition, store managers regularly check to ensure that these posters and displays are appropriate and properly operated.

2. Age verification at the cash register
To prevent the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under 20 years of age, we always check the age of customers when selling alcoholic beverages. At the self-checkout system, we have introduced a system in which an alarm is turned on when an alcoholic beverage is purchased, and turned it off after an attendant confirms that no alcohol is sold to those under 20 years of age.

3. Regular employee training
At SUMMIT,INC, we ensure that alcoholic beverages are not sold to anyone under the age of 20 by regularly educating and enlightening our employees on alcohol-related knowledge and warnings to customers. We include this information in department training textbooks and alert store employees at meetings and through letters before seasonal occasions when alcohol consumption increases, such as during summer vacation and the end of the year.

4. Sales of non-alcoholic products
At SUMMIT,INC, we sell products with fewer negative effects, such as non-alcoholic products and alcoholic beverages with lower alcohol content.

Creating a safe and secure local community for a better future for the local community


SUMMIT, INC is committed to coexisting with the local community, not only by fulfilling its function as an infrastructure that supports daily lifestyles of the community, but also by working to revitalize the community through collaboration with schools, shopping districts, and municipalities, as well as creating "places for people to interact and gather". Supermarkets, where people come together, facilitates communication. We aim to be a place where the community can feel “joyful” and “relaxed”, supporting local life as infrastructure.

In order to continue to be an infrastructure that supports people's lives even in the event of a disaster, we have developed a "Business Continuity Plan for Natural Disasters," concluded disaster support agreements with some municipalities where our stores are located, and distributed our original disaster prevention guidebooks. In addition, the company accommodates local elementary and junior high school students for store tours and hands-on learning opportunities, participates in donation activities through the sale of collected PET bottle caps, and hosts fun in-store events to deepen engagement with the local community.
As another example of our efforts to coexist with the local community, we host the Suginami Hanagasa Festival every year at Ohmiya-Hachimangu shrine in Suginami-ku, Tokyo where Summit’s headquarter is located. The festival features food booths sponsored by our business partners, the iconic Hanagasa-odori parade by local community and our employees, and events such as raffles, attracting more than 20,000 visitors every year and becoming a popular winter feature.

SC Foods Co., Ltd

SC Foods Co., Ltd., a member of the Sumitomo Corporation Group, deals in coffee certified by Con Manos De Mujer (CMM: English name::WOMAN'S HAND). In 2010, Mayacert S.A. and Asobagri Cooperative jointly established the CMM certification system with the goal of bettering the social standing of women and improving their economic environment. The premium attached to the price of CMM certified coffee is transformed into scholarships, medical assistance, etc. given to female farmers who are members of the cooperative, supporting their active efforts to achieve self-actualization.

SC Foods Co., Ltd., a member of our group, continuously purchases raw materials and products from developing countries that are produced with consideration for local community and the environment at fair prices, thereby supporting vulnerable producers and workers in developing countries. We carry multiple products certified by Fair Trade, a trade system aimed at improving people's lives and increasing their independence.
SC Foods is actively importing Fair Trade certified coffee, sesame seeds and other products from all over the world, expanding our product lineup, production areas, and sales channels, and working to communicate to manufacturers and consumers the significance and benefits of fair trade and the efforts of production areas that are not limited to trade.

While the world's population continues to increase, here is a growing concern about the future shortage of food resources. Soybeans are now attracting attention as a food that can meet the challenges of the future, as they have a low environmental impact, consuming only 1/8th of the water and 1/85th of the greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalent) of raising cattle.
SC Foods Co., Ltd., a member of our group, was quick to recognize the value of soybeans, which have high nutritional value and low environmental impact, and is expanding its handling of soybeans as an alternative protein that contributes to environmental impact and food issues.

Tomod’s CO., LTD.

With the increasing demands on drugstores due to the aging of the population , Tomod’s CO., LTD., our group company, aims to become a "family drugstore" that supports the healthy and enriching lives of people in the community. In addition to the traditional functions of a drugstore and dispensing pharmacy, Tomod's offers a variety of services that leverage its expertise, including counseling by dietitian, seminars and health events, and specific health guidance, as well as online medication guidance via video call, and nutritional guidance for home patients accompanied by a dietitian during home medication dispensing. Also, since 2017, Tomod's has stopped selling cigarettes in all of its stores and are working on educational activities such as providing information on smoking cessation support.

Initiatives in the mining business

“Social license to operate” is a term that means to gain approval from society to carry out business activities. The mining business in particular requires initiatives to reduce environmental impact arising from development and to facilitate sustainable development of local society. In conducting the mining business, the Sumitomo Corporation Group values compliance with laws and regulations, as well as the concept of a social license to operate, and works on rehabilitation at all mining sites where it operates to minimize its impact on the ecosystem and contribute to environmental restoration.

Eventually the production at the mine will come to an end. It is therefore important to support economic independence and minimize environmental impact after the operation shuts down so that the local community can achieve sustainable development. When participating in a mining project, the Sumitomo Corporation always develops a business plan that covers the costs required to restore the site to its original state after closure, according to the life of the mine. When actually closing a mine, we take appropriate steps in accordance with local laws and regulations.

Initiatives in the media business and digital business

The Sumitomo Corporation Group respects personal information provided by customers and pays the utmost attention to data privacy. We recognize their importance particularly in the media business and the digital business, which require strict and proper management, and accordingly ensure compliance with laws and regulations on the handling of personal information, guidelines set forth by administrative bodies, and other standards. For example, Jupiter Shop Channel, as an operator of the “Shop Channel” for TV shopping; SCSK as an IT services provider; and T-Gaia as a mobile phone retailer, are certified as handling personal information properly in compliance with Japanese Industrial Standards JIS-Q 15001 personal information protection management systems—requirements, making them eligible to use the privacy mark.
In operating the media business, including the multichannel programming distribution, we are making efforts to meet society’s trust by observing freedom of speech and expression, following the spirit of democracy, respecting basic human rights and public opinion, and protecting law and order.

Participation in Industry Initiatives on Responsibility for Customers

Commitment to External Initiatives

Participation in Industry Initiatives on Responsibility for Customers

Sumitomo Corporation Group’s members delivering products directly to consumers (i.e., Jupiter Shop Channel operating the “Shop Channel” for TV shopping, the food supermarket chain SUMMIT,INC, and Tomod’s operating pharmaceutical-dispensing drug stores) are participating in the following industry initiatives (as of June 2024).

Japan Direct Marketing Association (JADMA)
JADMA is the official representative body of the direct marketing industry, as specified in Article 30 of the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions. It collaborates with consumer organizations and public offices to create and disseminate guidelines for fair trade, resolve complaints from consumers and businesses, identify industry trends through surveys and information exchange, and grant the JADMA Mark to direct marketing companies (Full Members) that comply with all relevant laws and regulations.

All Japan Supermarket Association (AJS)
AJS was established in 1962 to contribute to the development of the entire supermarket industry by supporting member companies from the viewpoint of education, products, and information.

Japan Supermarkets Association (JSA)
JSA was established in 1999 to plan, propose, and promote food distribution policies together with local communities.

Japan Chain Stores Association (JCA)
JCA was established in 1967 to rationalize distribution systems, facilitate their modernization, and contribute to people’s lives by improving retailing management through the promotion of healthy development and expansion of chain stores.

Nippon Pharmacy Association (NPhA)
The main purposes of this association are as follows, based on three key words of safety, convenience and economy which are to clarify the roles of national insurance pharmacies to prioritize the profit of Japanese people. It also aims to contribute to realize health insurance pharmacies that can be truly trusted and satisfied by Japanese people through activities such as fostering health insurance pharmacies with people's viewpoint, providing relevant information and streamlining pharmacy operation and establishing various infrastructures to do so.

Tomod’s discontinued tobacco sales at all of its stores at the end of July 2017 to help customers achieve a healthy and affluent life. Even before this, Tomod’s has supported efforts to quit smoking, introducing customers to medical institutions that provide smoking cessation outpatient service in the neighborhood, as well as products that help them to quit smoking, and providing nutritional guidance from national registered dietitians before and after smoking cessation. Additionally, to encourage its employees to work together with customers in quitting smoking, Tomod’s introduced a welfare program for employees that supports the smoking cessation program. In recognition of these activities, the Japan Society for Tobacco Control recently offered a letter of appreciation to Tomod’s.

Participation in industry initiatives related to alcohol safety

It is important to our business that we thoroughly address issues regarding the potential negative impacts of alcoholic products such as alcoholism, alcohol poisoning, and drinking under 20 years of age. We also recognize that these negative impacts are also especially important with regard to vulnerable groups. Therefore, The Sumitomo Corporation Group are members to the following industry organizations, in order to participate in knowledge sharing and confirming the latest market trends and best practices.

Tokyo Retail Liquor Sales Association
Regarding alcoholic beverages, in order to protect the liquor tax by law and the product's characteristics as an intoxicating beverage, both manufacturing and sales are regulated by the liquor sales license system, and only licensed products can be sold. The license is granted based on personal requirements such as the licensee's social qualifications, management knowledge/sales ability, and management capital requirements.
The social responsibility of those who have been granted an alcoholic beverage sales license is to comply with related laws and regulations, take into consideration the social harm caused by the characteristics of the product and national health, and ensure that the culture of drinking is inherited, stable business management, and proper management to maintain and improve a proper drinking environment, and to promote market competition under fair rules, while striving for measures that emphasize the welfare and interests of the public.
To this end, we will strive to promote the common interests of maintaining individual management and the development of the industry as a whole through activities based on the spirit of close communication and mutual support through the association.

Participation in Food Safety-Related Initiatives and Organizations

Sumitomo Corporation Group belongs to the following external related organizations for the purpose of collecting information, improving knowledge, and exchanging opinions regarding food safety in order to supply safe and secure processed foods.

Japan Food Additives Association
Japan Food Additives Association(JAFA) was established in 1982 by companies and organizations that manufacture, import, sell, and use food additives to disseminate correct knowledge about food additives, and became a general incorporated association in April 2014.
JAFA works under the guidance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and other related government agencies with the objectives of providing members with accurate knowledge pertaining to the production, sale, and use of food additives, and promoting consumer understanding of safety and utility. In addition, JAFA seeks to contribute to the sound development of food-related industries, and to better consumer dietary habits and public hygiene.
As a member of the association, Sumitomo Corporation strives to improve knowledge about food additives by acquiring and utilizing information on food additives, and by attending courses.

Participation in industry initiatives related to hunger and poverty in developing countries

Support for World Food Programme (WFP)
SC Foods Co., Ltd., is a supporter of the United Nations World Food Programme WFP Association (United Nations WFP Association), a certified non-profit organization that supports the WFP United Nations World Food Programme, whose mission is to eradicate hunger and poverty, and is the official support window for the WFP United Nations World Food Programme in Japan.

Declaration of partnership building

Involvement with external initiatives

Declaration of partnership building

In June 2020, the Council on Promoting Partnership Building for Cultivating the Future, whose members consist of the Chairman of Keidanren (the Japan Business Federation), the Chairman of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the President of Rengo (the Japanese Trade Union Confederation) and the relevant ministers (the Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy; the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry; the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare; the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; and the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism), introduced a framework called the Declaration of Partnership Building.
This framework allows a company to declare, in the name of the company’s representative, that it will build a new partnership for shared prosperity throughout the supply chain by reinforcing relationships with supply chain partners and enterprises that seek to create value.

By adopting the Declaration, companies publicly commit to:

  1. shared prosperity throughout their supply chains and new partnerships across the borders of business scales and groups; and
  2. compliance with the Promotion Standards stipulated in the Act on the Promotion of Subcontracting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises regarding fair transactions with subcontractors.
Hence, each company’s efforts in this regard become visible.

Sumitomo Corporation has endorsed this initiative and expressed its commitment to building trust and creating new value through sound business activities with suppliers, customers, joint venture partners, financial institutions, logistics companies and all other business partners. (August 17, 2021)